Carolyn Thomas in the News
Carolyn Thomas' inspiring story of survival and resilience has captured the attention of media outlets nationwide. Her unwavering determination to overcome adversity and help others has made her a sought-after spokesperson for domestic violence awareness.
From local news stations to national platforms, Carolyn has shared her powerful message with millions of viewers. Her appearances have not only raised awareness but also provided hope and support to countless survivors.
Television Shows and News Stations
Carolyn Thomas' inspiring story has captured the attention of major television and news outlets across the country. Her powerful message of hope and resilience has resonated with audiences, sparking important conversations about domestic violence and its impact on survivors.
November 1, 2024
Twenty-one years after a brutal attack that left Carolyn Thomas disfigured and claimed her mother’s life, Thomas—once dubbed “the woman without a face”—continues to be a powerful advocate against domestic violence. Now a symbol of resilience, she shares her story to inspire change, help others escape abusive relationships, and spread awareness about the devastating toll of domestic abuse .
December 5, 2023
KWTX, Waco, TX, Carolyn Thomas, shot by her abusive boyfriend 20 years ago, shares her harrowing experience. Despite warning signs, she felt trapped in the relationship. The night of the shooting, her boyfriend, high on drugs, shot her in the face and killed her mother. Carolyn's story has inspired others to seek help and break free from abusive situations.
November 25, 2021
Spectrum News, Houston, TX, reported a follow up story about Carolyn Thomas who survived a near-fatal shooting by her boyfriend. They discusses her recovery process and her advocacy work to help other victims of domestic violence. The article also details the abuse she suffered and the shooting incident. Thomas emphasizes recognizing red flags in relationships and encourages victims to seek help. She also talks about her experience of creating a foundation to support other victims.
April 8, 2011
The Oprah Winfrey Show, Carolyn Thomas returns six years later to talk to Oprah about where she is today and how she managed to reclaim her life after being shot at point-blank range by her abuser, Terrence Kelly. Carolyn also hears from Kelly for the first time since the shooting when Oprah's camera crew travels to Texas for an exclusive interview inside his correctional facility.
February 21, 2006
LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Tonight, in one horrible, bloody night her crazed ex-boyfriend killed her mother and left her a woman without a face. Her right eye, cheekbone, nose and upper jaw destroyed by a single gunshot. Now, after two years and six facial reconstruction surgeries Carolyn Thomas takes us inside her amazing journey of courage and faith and tells us how she's inspiring others too.
It's next on LARRY KING LIVE.
May 26, 2005
The Oprah Winfrey Show, Carolyn Thomas is one of three women who share their stories of overcoming adversity. It discusses domestic violence, eating disorders, and child endangerment. The important takeaway is that the victims of these crimes are often people close to the perpetrators. But with courage and determination, it is possible to overcome even the most difficult challenges.